My son is finishing third class, he has had an amazing substitute teacher over the last few months so this is the gift he is giving her...
....along with a bottle of wine and a card.
I printed the thank you card off from online and I also got the 'smart cookie' label online (I must check back where and link it!) I think it's very cute!
There is also an SNA in my sons class who I know he gets on great with so he is giving her a bottle of wine...
My younger son attended crèche for 2 days a week since Christmas and is finished up for the summer now so we dropped in this home made gift....
I filled old jam jars (I am a chronic hoarder so I was secretly delighted a finally found a use for them!) with sweets, glued on the label (also printed from the Internet) and added some ribbon. The card is also printed,,,a great way of keeping costs down.
Like I say I went for a 'thoughtful gift' and hopefully they'll be liked/enjoyed! :)
Do you agree with giving teachers presents?