
Sunday, January 24, 2016

Trying to lose weight after Christmas

I've been trying to get back into thiss healthy eating thing after Christmas. I wish I could say I'm at a stage where I can eat in moderation but thats just not me. I have an on and off button, no in between button! When I'm good I'm good but once I switch off, thats it I eat all around me, non stop!!
I find the easiest good habit to get into is eating porridge for breakfast, I actually love breakfast and look forward to my porridge every morning! I usually mix through some fruit, milk and I know I shouldn't but I have to have a spoonful of canderel.
Dinner can be a bit trickier because I have to think about the whole family and get meals that everybody likes. I love stir fries, they're so quick, easy and tasty. Mid week dinners also usually need to be fairly easy and fuss free. I usually plan my meals for the week and do my 'big' shop on a Sunday, this works best for me. But every Friday, I really look forward to my homemade pizza on weight watcher wraps, I pile them up with everything! I usually make the kids a pizza on a roll out base or just nuggets and wedges.

I figure if I've been fairly good during the week I enjoy whatever I like at the weekends. We usually either get a take away or go out for dinner. My downfall is sweets and chocolate and biscuits (I'm not really a crisp person.) I find the easiest thing is just not to have them in the house! 
I try to go to Weight Watchers every week, so far I have shifted any of the extra Christmas pounds but I'll keep at it and hopefully they'll disappear! :)

Monday, January 18, 2016

Is my life really this boring..? (Jan 11-18)

Wow we're mid way through January, its great! And the resolutions are still going (I wont stay strong, but they havent been abandoned just yet!!)

My week was the usual, up, make lunches, get breakfasts, rush out the door, work, collect kids, drop kids, make dinners, tidy up after dinners, wash clothes, fold clothes, and flop on the couch at the end of the day kinda week....quite similar to alot of peoples weeks I suspect!

What I wore for our Saturday out and about. Boots, jeans, jumper all Penneys
We did have a dusting of snow, I love TJ's reaction to it (obviously Senan doesn't get too excited by it anymore and Annabels too young) but TJ was straight out to have fun in it!
Saturdays are usually spent going to a soccer match with Senan so when it was cancelled because of bad weather I jumped at the chance to spend the day catching up with friends, rounded off by Apache pizza (our hands down favourite!) and then home for the night.

I watched the programme Sugar Crash on RTE (well worth a watch if you haven't seen it) and swore I was going to try reduce the amount of sugar the kids take so I attempted homemade cereal bars, they didn't quite work out as they didn't stick together, the mixture is actually really tasty though and I mixed it in with yoghourts and smoothies. I got the baking tray and all the nuts, berries and seeds in Dealz, all €1.49, I love that shop!

Perfect way to round of the weekend...Irish coffee (decaf and without the whiskey...sad I know!)

Sunday, January 17, 2016

Week 1 2016 Trying to get into good habits!

I can never quite get into routine or get new habits started until I start back to work so while most have the great intentions well underway I only got started on January 6th (enough time to finish off all the half eaten boxes of biscuits and quality streets!) 
While there are reasons not to enjoy going back to work, after a jam packed Christmas with my sisters wedding, family home from abroad and general Christmas with 3 kids stuff it was actually nice to get back to work and routine and a bit of normality! 

Over the weekend two of Senans friends were at our house for a sleepover, so with five kids in the house I decided we needed to get out of the house to blow off some steam! We went to Fore Abbey, the kids love it, I love it, it's just down the road, it's free and the kids just run around exploring and playing hide and seek...and it stayed dry, what more could you ask for!

Fore Abbey Co. Westmeath

Sunday we went to the park in Mullingar after the grocery shopping, I'm really making an effort to get the kids (and myself) out in the fresh air more despite the weather, so the park was perfect (and a bonus that's it's across the road from chocolate Browns and I could get a gorgeous latte to help warm me up!)
Mullingar town park
So after all the eating over Christmas I was back to weigh in at weight watchers on Thursday, I was up 4 pounds which I was more than happy with considering I felt I was up at least 7! Again, as nice as chocolate is for breakfast getting back to the good old boring, reliable porridge isn't as bad as it sounds! So it's back to healthy eating for me,,, plus a few sneaky left over biscuits,,, I figure I'll ease myself back into it! 

I literally look forward to these pizzas every Friday!

Porridge for breakfast and back to healthy lunches

A little shopping spree in Boots.

So my first week of 2016 was fairly uneventful but sometimes its nice to just appreciate the normal, everyday things!

    Look how big Annabel is getting, shes trying to feed her doll-so cute!