
Saturday, February 23, 2013

Soccer Saturday!

Saturday's are always taken over with soccer! I actually like having a time deadline during the day, I know I have to leave the house at 11am so I get much more done in the morning than if I knew I'd all day to do it! My son LOVES soccer, it's not something he's inherited from his mammy or daddy, we're more GAA enthusiasts! I think it's important for kids to have activities. Senan has done lots over the years, drama, swimming, dance, handball, hurling, Gaelic football, art, but soccer seems to have won out. I stressed for a while thinking that because he quit all the other classes it was teaching him to be a quitter, but now I look at it as the main reason I enrolled him in the various classes was so HE could decide what he enjoyed and continue it. He has chosen soccer. Admittedly I'd like if he chose to continue a non-sports activity aswell, but he hasn't. I think it's also important that he learns an instrument in the future, guitar or piano perhaps, again he can try both and chose which he prefers. I know it can be tempting to have him in different classes every evening (yes, I could easily turn into a pushy parent!) but I think sometimes less is more.

Friday, February 22, 2013

Less talking, more running!

Ok, so I missed my run Wednesday, but I had a good run Thursday evening, I ran 5miles, no hills though, just the local track (it's a pitch with a gravel track around it). Also had a great chat with a friend whose an experienced runner, she gave me some great tips and it was just great motivation chatting about running! Planning a 3 mile run in the gym, using the incline on the treadmill tonight and aiming for an 11 mile run over the week end! Wish me luck!

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

The Babies Bedroom

So baby TJ is approaching 6months so I think it's time to move him into his own room. He goes down at between 7 and 8 pm so it means our bedroom is out of bounds from then on! The room he is going in used to be his big brothers, that was never actually 100% finished! I had gone with a jungle theme and I'm gonna keep this animal/nature sort of theme. I bought 3 gorgeous pictures in Harry Corrys (€12 each) . I love the sayings on them 'Imagine', 'Dream big little one' and 'Braver than you think you are.' I have to get curtains for the room, I'd like owl ones but finding it difficult to find some so I might just go with brown curtains (keep the room dark in the mornings!). This is the room at the moment (a bit of a mess!) I will post pictures of the finished product!

Monaco Run!

So in November I signed up to a 15 mile run in Monaco on March 17th. I think maybe the hormones hadn't quite settled back to normality after pregnancy because I don't know why I thought that 3 months after having a baby (emergency c-section) I'd have the time, energy or ability to train for a 15 mile run! But there was method in my madness, I wanted to lose a bit of baby weight and feel fit again, so I figure its good motivation and the fact I had to book flights and accommodation i wont back out! I will admit I enjoyed running before I got pregnant with TJ but I was no Sonia O Sullivan! The furthest distance I had ran was 10km, but my norm was maybe a 4k run 3 to 4 times a week. So with a month to go until the race (march 17th) I have some serious training left to do! Before Christmas, with the initial excitement of signing up training was going great and I even started to think I'd aim to complete it in 2 hours! However the motivation began to dwindle in January and with a very busy month (Christening, Sister home from Oz) training took a backseat! So the longest run I've done, last week was 10 miles but it did take me almost 2 hours! I've to try find some hills too because the course is very hilly! Hoping to go for a 3mile run this evening that has some hills. Have you any tips for training or preparing for a 15mile race??

My Boys!

I have 2 boys who of course are typical 'Mammys Boys!'-spoilt rotten! I've an 8 year old who is soccer mad! Fairly common for 8 year olds I think! And I have a 6 month old (yes quite a gap!!). He is just recently getting into a good routine. it has been a shock to the system to go back to nappies and bottles and crying but it is all worth it! And time does fly by so I try to enjoy it all as much as possible as oppose to wishing the days away.
There will be plenty of baby and kids posts to look forward to! :)

Back to Blogging!

So as you can see my first attempt at bogging was fairly dismal! Hopefully I'll be a lot more CONSISTENT this time around! So, welcome to my world and all that happens in my day to day life, hope you enjoy x