
Saturday, February 23, 2013

Soccer Saturday!

Saturday's are always taken over with soccer! I actually like having a time deadline during the day, I know I have to leave the house at 11am so I get much more done in the morning than if I knew I'd all day to do it! My son LOVES soccer, it's not something he's inherited from his mammy or daddy, we're more GAA enthusiasts! I think it's important for kids to have activities. Senan has done lots over the years, drama, swimming, dance, handball, hurling, Gaelic football, art, but soccer seems to have won out. I stressed for a while thinking that because he quit all the other classes it was teaching him to be a quitter, but now I look at it as the main reason I enrolled him in the various classes was so HE could decide what he enjoyed and continue it. He has chosen soccer. Admittedly I'd like if he chose to continue a non-sports activity aswell, but he hasn't. I think it's also important that he learns an instrument in the future, guitar or piano perhaps, again he can try both and chose which he prefers. I know it can be tempting to have him in different classes every evening (yes, I could easily turn into a pushy parent!) but I think sometimes less is more.

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