
Saturday, November 7, 2015

Baby Annabel 8 month Update!

How is Annabel eight months old already! Third time around I can definitely say it's gone by in the blink of an eye!

Annabel had her 8 month developmental checkup the other day. All went well. The only area of concern is that she is not 'weight bearing' which basically means when I stand her up she makes no effort to stand on her own two legs. So, I have to get practising with her and bring her back in a month to see if there has been an improvement. 
Annabel was a big baby when she was born (10pd 5ounces) and she's still at the top end of the graph, the 98th percentile to be exact, again,because everything is in proportion I don't think there's anything to be alarmed about, I'm just hoping she might have long legs and not my short stumpy ones!!

Weight: 10.22kg
Height: 73cm
Size clothes: Annabel is wearing size 9-12 months clothes. She's the full of them and any new clothes I buy from now on will be 12-18 months. 
Nappy size: Annabel has just moved up the Size 4 Aldi nappies 
Food: The public health nurse told me I should be cutting back on the bottles and Annabel should be getting 3 meals a day. At the moment I give her baby rice/cereal for breakfast. She gets a fruit pouch during the day, some days she devours it, other days it's hardly touched.  I don't give her a proper dinner as such, just tastes of what we are eating, so I need to start giving her a proper dinner. She gets 4x8oz bottles, one when she wakes up, one at 11, one at 4 and one in the evening from about 7. She loves trying to feed herself finger food. 
Sleep: Annabel sleeps quite well (which I am so thankful for!) She wakes at about 6:30 every morning and goes down to sleep between 8:30 and 9pm. She naps at about 9:30am for an hour. Again at 1ish for an hour and has a 30minute cat nap at 6in the evening. She sleeps through the odd night unless her teeth are bothering her she might be a bit unsettled.
Teeth: Speaking of teeth, she has none yet! I can see one about to break throughout the bottom gum so I'm sure it'll make an appearance soon! 

Annabel is starting to babble lots! She loves playing peek a boo and loves songs and rhymes. If she's unsettled in the car she loves twinkle Twinkle or even turning the radio up on a good song settles her! She is quite a placid, happy baby. She has however started to notice if I leave the room and will bawl!!! So it's definitely more difficult to leave her down and get anything done around the house! She can sit up by herself, and she can roll over, she's happy on her belly and can move around but is by no means crawling yet. She loves her two brothers and always smiles and jumps and babbles when she sees them in the morning.  

I have to say I really love this stage, she's interacting, she's eating food, she's sleeping all night...I hope I haven't just jinxed myself!